Story of jew 3

One shot kills two

How can you attack the people that welcomed you?

1943: Jewish refugees entering Palestine

Omar, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

When asked if there should be conditions written into an aid package for israel

In 1948 his mom was offered a stolen palestinian home

Planing for building new settlements in Gaza

Israelis watch bombs drop on Gaza

Israeli citizen 2

Israeli citizen

Teacher got fired…

Muslims embraced Jews during Inquisition, Crusades: Rabbi Weiss

Rabbis Burn Israeli Flag!

Israel’s Lies DEBUNKED

Spit on christian

Israeli settlers seen celebrating…

Israeli settlers celebrate burning of Palestinian boy during ‘Flag March’


This proof that is a premeditated genocide an all levels

Talk Show

I’m a Jewish…

Imagine your child…

Israel’s influence on media part 1


Jews were happy and rich in Muslim countries

Israel & Hamas agree to hostage deal

What’s is proportionate response?

Israel’s influence on media part 2

Student get paid

Safed: The city that my father…

Does Israel control Gaza’s border?

Why is this not on national tv?


Israeli state TV video shows children singing about Gaza | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Spread them out

Mustafa Barghouti scolds western media repeating Israeli lies

United Nations Official Francesca Albanese puts it as it is, WAR CRIMES!

Gaza City before and after: footage shows destruction wreaked by war

Drone video of destruction in Gaza

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